30 Celebrity Edits That Are Done To Fit Today’s ‘Beauty Standards’ And They Prove A Point
The ideal beauty standards on iconic celebrities.
Mom Documents Her Son Growing Up For 17 Years And The Result Is Powerful
March 15, 2023Wang decided early that the stereotypical image of a single mom and child wouldn’t work for...
Jennifer Aniston, 54, Says She Slows Down Her Workouts If She Hasn’t Slept Well
March 9, 2023The actress insisted sleep is extraordinary; it’s beautiful.
‘I’m 62 & Want A Baby With My Husband, 26, People Say I’m Too Old’
March 9, 2023The couple seeks a biracial baby so the child would know he/she has half-black and half-white...
Peter Pan Fans Slam Disney’s Woke Remake For Including Girls Among Lost Boys
March 3, 2023The remake has already been labeled a flop.
10+ Worst Outfits Celebs Wore At The Brit Awards 2023
March 2, 2023She definitely looked sick.
Identical Twins Who Share A Fiancé Reveal They Want To Get Pregnant At The Same Time
March 1, 2023The twins claimed they have a doctor’s note stating they can’t be apart and only come...
Driver Crashed £500,000 Ferrari SF90 Into Five Cars And Fled
January 28, 2023The driver ran away.
Pelé Added Secret Daughter Into Will After Denying Her Existence 17 Years After She Died
January 28, 2023She was denied her whole life.
Boss Justifies Self For Deducting Almost $300 From Employees Payslip Because Over Mobile Phone Usage
January 28, 2023"That deduction is 100% illegal."
Rick and Morty co-creator Justin Roiland Fired From Adult Swim After Domestic Abuse Charge
January 28, 2023Sacked and replaced.
Kanye West ‘Married’ To Yeezy Designer Two Months After Divorce From Kim
January 15, 2023Married again, just two months after the divorce was finalized.
Highest Earning OF Star Revealed that She Showers Only 37 Times In 2022
January 13, 2023"If I shower too often, I seem to stink more!"
Boss Tried To Refuse Employee’s Resignation With Warning
January 12, 2023"This will be marked on your account with us."
Professional Female Roofer Stuns People With Her Impeccable Work
January 11, 2023"When women earn money she feels that he does not need a man."
17 Women Who Show Off Their Body Hair And Gained Happiness
January 10, 2023Your hair, your body, your decision.
‘I’m Plus-Size And Happy To Weigh 320lbs – Men Have Asked Me To Squash Them’
January 9, 2023"Are you truly happy at that weight? Yes."
Man Dies Just Weeks After Doctors Chalked Up His Intense Migraines To ‘Anxiety’
January 8, 2023"I was being fobbed off."
‘Beach Aliens’ Pictures Sparked Panic As People Rush To Identify What It Is
January 8, 2023"Is it safe to go into the water?"
30 Epic Instagram Edits That Have People Concerned About The Future
January 7, 2023And there are those that believe in these edits.