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‘My Stretch Marks Aren’t Because I’ve Had A Baby, They’re Actually A Sign Of Strength’

Body Positivity

‘My Stretch Marks Aren’t Because I’ve Had A Baby, They’re Actually A Sign Of Strength’

Love yourself first!

Body positivity is very healthy for the mindset, and it has helped many women overcome the insecurities of their bodies. UK influencer Rosie Breen advocates the idea of body positivism, who is beginning to love her body for what it is. Rosie is also a source of motivation to other women with similar challenges and insecurities, urging them to love themselves.

The brunette influencer on her Instagram supports the idea of having healthy habits paired with self-love. She addresses issues depressing women and admits she’s beginning to admire her ‘lumps and bumps (all of it).

via rosiebreenx/Instagram

“My stretch marks aren’t from a baby, they’re from my life,” She said in a recent post, debunking the notion they’re always linked to childbirth. She claimed that people need to accept the naturalness of stretch marks. “I see such a huge representation for women who have experienced physical changes to their body postpartum, which is 1000% necessary & 1000% beautiful. I love it. I’m here for it. I fully support it,” she argued.

She added: “But what I rarely see is representation for the women who have stretch marks across their stomach & sides just because they’ve lived life.” 

via rosiebreenx/Instagram

Rosie claimed she had read a quote over the years, which seemed to be the motivation behind her confidence. The quote says ‘a woman’s stretch marks tell the story of her strength. Whether she gained them through gaining weight or losing it, they represent the beautiful battle she’s fought & the journey she’s endured to reach her destination. A woman’s stretch marks show her strength. A strength worth celebrating.’

The quote stirred up the love she now has for her stretch marks and taught her to embrace her true self by changing her mind about her cellulite body. 

via rosiebreenx/Instagram

She appreciated her 19 –Year-Old self for coming across the quote before she developed stretch marks“I know I’m not alone in saying I used to HATE my cellulite & feel so incredibly insecure in short dresses & skirts because of it. I’d always struggled to be a relatively tall girl with broad shoulders and WIDE hips that when it came to my thighs, I was fed up of not feeling comfortable enough to wear the clothes I actually liked because ‘it does nothing for you [me].”

“I bet you’ve heard that one before. Well, it took me right up until the recent years to realize that no matter what I do, no matter how slim I am or how much ‘cellulite cream’ I buy, the cellulite on my body is f*cking normal, and so is YOURS!” Rosie stated.

via rosiebreenx/Instagram

The Influencer doesn’t feel anyone should be ashamed of their cellulite body or stretch marks as she revealed how common and natural they are. She further insisted: “Everybody has cellulite & it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Wear the dress, the skirt, or even the bikini sis! You deserve to even if ‘it does nothing for you.” 

This confidence has since impacted many people, especially women, as some expressed gratitude and obsession. “Thank you for posting this. You have made me more confident from the start of my journey; I’ve been following you since the start and I’ve always hated my stretch marks but what you’ve said has made me realize it shows how far I have come and overcome, so thank you,” one of her audience appreciated.

via rosiebreenx/Instagram

“You are inspiring! This is what I need more of in my feed!” another user added, but that’s not all, as some claimed they were obsessed with her.

“I’m literally so obsessed with you. You help me feel comfortable in my skin! Thank you,” a third commented,” a third said, while a fourth expressed: I’m obsessed with you.” For many ladies, having stretch marks has been an issue and more of insecurity for them as they don’t feel confident enough to show them and be free with it. But Rosie is at the forefront of those debunking the ideology and doing a great job at it.

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