‘Yes, I’m Huge And It’s Hard’: Woman Responds To Hurtful Comments She Received While Pregnant
While a big bump can signal health problems, in other cases, it’s natural and just how a woman’s body grows.
Bump Shaming when pregnant is a thing, and while most women find it difficult to brush off cruel comments or perhaps get over them, Eliana Rodriguez has highlighted how to deal with the negativity gracefully. The 29-year-old, due to her large belly, had drawn a bunch of hurtful comments, ranging from “You look like you’re having twins” to “You must be in so much pain.”
Most of the insensitive comments came from women, and while it was easy to ignore the ones from strangers, people were also rude to Eliana in real life.

She was told that she looked gross and some people continually suggested she “check if there’s another baby inside,” while others pointed out how huge she was body-wise. As per Brightside, Eliana remained unfazed all through her pregnancy journey; she never responded rudely but would just say things like, “Yes, I am huge, and it’s hard.”

While a big pregnancy bump can signal specific health problems, Eliana admitted that she and her baby were and are totally fine.

The Nevada-based mom, who gave birth to her second child, a baby boy, in June, revealed her doctor reassured her the big bump was nothing to worry about and that her petite build and short torso might have something to do with it. Eliana emphasized that both of her babies were big while she was pregnant; hence, she wasn’t surprised or bothered by complications.

“My first pregnancy was exactly the same! Eliana said, confessing that, compared to her first pregnancy, her second was a bit challenging because she had to fight anemia.
Her Instagram post, where she shared all the insults with a smile on her face, has taken the internet by storm, and Eliana’s story resonates with other women. With all the negativity, the mom-of-two has chosen kindness, stating that people shouldn’t be quick to judge and ought to show more love and compassion for pregnant women.

The mom-of-two said to the haters: “It’s already hard to go through so many physical changes that you literally cannot control—not to mention emotional changes too.”

Eliana, whose son Sebastian weighed 8.3 pounds and was 20.5 inches long at birth, concluded: “Regardless if a person is pregnant or not, I’ve always said if you have nothing nice to say, it’s best not to say anything.” “This is why I love empowering and uplifting others because there’s already enough hate and negativity everywhere.”