Artist’s 20 ‘Deep Dark Fears’ Comics That’ll Tickle Your Inner Dark Sides
Your deepest fears, illustrated.
What is your biggest fear that you can’t tell other people about? Some of us, for whatever wild reasons, come up with really unrealistic fears on how a series of coincidences and unlikely events may lead to tragic deaths. And the creator of ‘Deep Dark Fears‘ webcomics feeds on that very fear.
Perhaps it was ‘Final Destination’ and ‘The Exorcist’ fault. Or perhaps it was the childish lies our parents told us to scare us. But our brain failed to ‘grow out’ of them and now, they live rent-free in our mind. The artist of these horror comics do accept submissions, and if you have one you’ve been keeping for the past decade, you may submit them to him here.
More Info: Instagram
“Awkward for eternity.”

“Hobbling along.”

“A forest for the trees.”

“I’m holding out for a hero ‘til the morning light.”

“Bless this mess.”

“Highway hypnosis.”

“In the blink of an eye.”

“So very late.”

“They don’t make a sound.”

“Lucky duck.”

“A clean mind.”

“My beauty routine.”

“A little pick-me-up.”

“A long strange trip.”

“Make believe.”

“Nodding off.”

“Making floppy floppy.”

“The sound of the tone.”

“An anonymous fear.”

“By any other name.”