30 Hilarious Comics About The Everyday Life Of An Average Girl
The right amount of reality.
The adventure of an Average Girl is a webcomic that speaks about many personal and weird daily experiences from the eyes of young Italian artist Laura Romagnoli, known on Instagram as Lallirrr. The webcomic also touches on bad luck and a little bit of daydreaming. If something can go wrong, it will go wrong but will eventually make a good story; This is the motto behind these strips.
It can be downright comforting to know that you aren’t alone in your struggle. So here, 26-Year-Old Lallirrr has put a hilarious spin on life situations, ranging from relationships, mental health battles, among others. You possibly will find the majority of Artist Lallirrr newest agonizingly relatable. But of course, you will, in the end, laugh-out-loud or perhaps just face-palm with a smile. Have a look and enjoy!
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