30 Amazing Pics From The 2019 Beard & Mustache Championship
Which is your favorite?
Have you observed that influential and notable individuals in history had mustache and beards? If YES, it shouldn’t be something of a surprise to you that people with beards are gathering together to do some interesting showcase from across the world.
The 2019 National Beard and Mustache Championships are here again for the No Shave November. Many of the greatest beard-keepers have come together to have their photos taken.
The 2019 competition has supported three charities: Together We Cope, a homeless prevention organization, Oscar Mike, a foundation for injured veterans and P.A.W.S of Tinley Park, a no-kill animal shelter.
While the winners from the contests haven’t been announced yet, a Las Vegas-based photographer, Greg Anderson took on the task of taking shots of the several men sporting their unique beards.
Kindly scroll down gently to see the top contestants in the championships. Enjoy!
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