25 Amazing Pics That Depict The Unseen Side Of Things
Wow! just unbelievable.
This quarantine is driving us all mad, and a lot of you are probably bored with your new routine. You cannot go out, and you are also about to burst your credit card from doing online shopping so much. But the world is never short of new interesting things to see and learn from, even things you’re so familiar with!
Dún Briste (the Broken Fort), a relatively new sea stack that was severed from the mainland, Ireland, in 1393 during an overnight storm. This is a thousand years’ worth of pictures.

The true life of a reporter. One in-ear receiver and a transmitter for the clip-on microphone.

A look inside an empty Boeing 787 which can hold up to 335 passengers.

A close-up look of an elephant tail. It swats away flies and is also a means of communication.

The inside of a salt mine. Mining for salt used to be dangerous and was done by slaves.

The microbe-handprint of an 8-year-old boy after playing outside.

A giant amethyst geode.

This is a ghost heart after all blood is cleaned and only protein scaffold.

An actual processed image of a virus from the phages family under the electron microscope.

Snow covering the net roof of an aviary in Saint Louis Zoo, built-in 1904.

Two medical students, M.A. Schalck and L.P. Ramsdell spent 1,500 hours dissecting a cadaver’s nervous system intact. That is more than 4 months long, assuming they work 12 hours a day.

Gorgeous ice crystals in Switzerland.

How the tiger skin actually looks like. They do have stripes down to the skin.

Inside an astronaut’s suit. They weigh about 280 pounds on earth and takes 45 minutes to wear.

This is a fossilized footprint of a dinosaur in The Bull Canyon Dinosaur Track Trail, Utah. This is probably a Therapod’s.

The glass frog is so transparent you can see its internal organs clearly.

Agate shell, which has minerals forming and replacing the shells themselves. Pretty common on West Coast beaches.

Baby flamingos are born white.

A globe that allows blind people to ‘see’ was made in 1837. One of the first maps that blind people could use.

Looking at grains of salt under the electron microscope.

An albino raccoon.

A picture of the dark side of the moon was captured by NASA from 1 million miles away.

This is a square starfish due to birth defects.

A picture of the eclipse on earth from space.

Pictures of Aurora are seen in different planets.