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This Plus-Size Model Praised For Sharing Her ‘Real Bikini Body’ Pictures


This Plus-Size Model Praised For Sharing Her ‘Real Bikini Body’ Pictures

“You don’t need to lose 6 pounds before your holiday.”

Sophie Louise Hughes is an Instagram model who loves sharing uplifting, confident posts for other women with a similar curvy body like her. And she’s recently been praised after sharing honest pictures of herself that send a message to others that they’re fine the way they are.

She shares her posts with her 27.6k followers, teasing them with a “how to have a bikini body” question.

“You don’t need to lose 6 pounds before your holiday,” she tells her followers after telling them to get a cute pair of bikinis as the answer. “It’s ok to eat carbs before marbs, and you’re bloody beautiful just as you are.”

Sophie isn’t shy to show her tummy right next to her own staged shot with a corset that conceals it.

“First things first, your body is summer-ready, and don’t let IG convince you otherwise,” she tells others. “You’re gonna wear the lingerie with your squishy self, girl we have absolutely got this.”

She’s not unfamiliar with judging eyes as a woman with a scar on her midriff. Hence, she gets asked a lot how she maintained that amazing confidence.

“People ask me all the time how I’m so confident in my body, and the honest answer is some days I absolutely love it, I really do; I could dance down the street in my knickers and shout about how far I’ve come since I was that 15-year-old girl who was crippled with self-doubt and used food as punishment,” she answered the question.

“Other days, I still look at that little back roll like she’s the devil reincarnated. I look at my belly. I pinch her, I prod her, and I place my entire self-worth upon her as if losing that inch or three would validate me in some way.”

“Wear the bikini honey, ride the roller coaster. Don’t get off, don’t give up, just keeping riding it until the moments of self-doubt are far outweighed by the moments where you truly see yourself in all your glory.”

“I don’t know who taught us that speaking negatively about our bodies was the norm.”

She continued, “I don’t know who taught us that, but I will spend a lifetime shouting my message louder than they ever could. I am soft, beautiful, feminine, squishy, sexy, textured, healthy, happy.”

“It doesn’t really matter how you do it, just use kind words about yourself and use them often,” Sophie encouraged others, adding that trash-talking bodies “is so 2006.”

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